Tuesday, December 29, 2009




Monday, December 21, 2009

School Concert

The Performance was too long so i break it into 2 part....

Part 1 - Who Loves Baby Jesus.

Part 2 - Christmas Song

Concert Video

Solo - Piano Playing

The Group Play

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Darling will be having her year end school concert soon, heard from Teacher Angela she will be having her solo this year (mentioned by teaches, darling is the treasure at their class, she is good at singing and dancing).

And Yamaha will also be having the book 1 concert on 20/12/09, yes we are moving to book 2 after the concert, time really flys.

Till I'm back with all the concert video......

Friday, October 30, 2009


Today is a day I will never forgot in my life time....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mooncake making

Darling, made her 1st mooncake at school. And it taste yummy.....

So proud of her....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

1st Overseas Trip

My papa have arranged a short trip to the genting for the family from 23rd - 25th Sept. This is a last minute arrangement as initial arrangement is he is going alone with his friend, YES, leaving me and darling here so pissed with him, make some noise den he wake up as mentioned this is last minute arrangement so he nearly forgot about us until I make noise lah.

But even after I make noise darling is also excluded cause she don't have a passport so when we were out there at genting she will be sleeping over at my mama house, but after a few thought leaving her here alone is like leaving my heart and sole here and empty body there. So papa and I have a quick decision, bring her along, but the problem is SHE HAVE NO PASSPORT..... but thanks to the technology make things fast for us, on the very day papa bring her to take photo den the very next day which is last Saturday I fast fast apply for her online den WALAH passport can be collected from today onward. Hehe this will be darling and our family 1st trip so excited..... will come back with some photo.

Friday, August 14, 2009



I know this is horrific to read and see, but if it helps to stop child abuse, we must all pass it on.


My name is Sarah,

I am three,
my eyes are swollen
I cannot see.

I must be stupid,

I must be bad,

what else could have made

my daddy so mad?

I wish I were better,

I wish I weren't ugly,

then maybe my Mommy

would still want to hug me.

I can't speak at all,

I can't do a wrong or else I'm locked up

all the day long.

When I awake I'm all alone

the house is dark

my folks aren't home.

When my Mommy does come
I'll try and be nice,
so maybe I'll get just
one whipping tonight.

Don't make a sound!

I just heard a car
my daddy is back
from Charlie's Bar.

I hear him curse

my name he calls

I press myself
against the wall.

I try and hide

from his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm starting to cry.

He finds me weeping

he shouts ugly words,

he says its my fault

that he suffers at work.

He slaps me and hits me

and yells at me more,

I finally get free

and I run for the door.

He's already locked it

and I start to bawl,

he takes me and throws me

against the hard wall.

I fall to the floor

with my bones nearly broken,

and my daddy continues

with more bad words spoken.

'I'm sorry!' I scream

but its now much too late

his face has been twisted

into unimaginable hate.

The hurt and the pain

again and again

oh please God, have mercy!

oh please let it end!

And he finally stops

and heads for the door,

while I lay there motionless

sprawled on the floor.

My name is Sarah

and I am three,

tonight my daddy

murdered me.

There are thousands of kids out there

just like Sarah. And you can help

It sickens me to my soul, and if you just read this and don't pass it on I pray for your forgiveness, because you would have to be one heartless person to not be affected by this message. And because you are affected, do something about it!! So all I am asking you to do is take some time to send this on and acknowledge that this stuff does happen, and that people like her dad do live in our society, and pray for child abuse to wither out and die, but also pray for the safety of our youth. Please pass this poem on as a Blue Ribbon Against Child Abuse because, as crazy as it might sound, it might just indirectly change a life.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Final Art Piece For Charmaine

The gift for Charmaine 4th birthday from dPhotofolio with all the contributors photo.

Can spot my darling???

Monday, July 6, 2009

Photo taking session for Charmaine's Fund Raising

Have signed up for an photo taking session with dphotofolio for the fund raising activities orgnised for the feisty princess - Charmaine on Sunday. Here are some photos for your pleasure.

Darling wanted the balls so much so the photographer put her into the balls basket

and there comes the bear (bigger then my darling)

again balls
with daddy
darling also wanted to take photo with the nui nui soooo much keep making noise untill she have it
Finally this is for the feisty princess Charmaine

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mix Feeling

I was once so determine that I won't care if you are dead or alive, even if you were to die I won't pay my last respect to you on your wake. Cause you simply don't know how to cherish yourself when you are given a second chance.

BUT when I got to know your condition is getting bad, admitted to hospital I don't know how to react, basically only mix feeling. Visit you at the hospital? Or ignore you and continue with my determination? To my ZPGY they thought that I bo chap, and yes I want to bo chap but yet I can't bring myself for doing so.

After visiting you at the hospital yesterday, the determination that I always have in mind just vanish and only remembering how closed we used to be. To my dearest friend, knowing that miracle is equal to zero, we will only pray that you have less pain to suffer for your final journey.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ho Ho Ho... Happy

Finally I'm GRATUATED from my Professional Certificate of Business Management, am no longer 'N' level holder but somebody with professional certificate. Will be merging into Mei's class during the August intake for Diploma in Business Management.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Darling's 4th Birthday

My darling have 2 celebration for her 4th birthday. 1 on 20th May (eve of her birthday), at school with all the 'xiao peng you' and the other on the 21st May (the actual day) with daddy, mummy and some of daddy's friend and of cos her gu gu and jie jie.

1st Day of Celebration @ School - Bought Macdonal Happy Meal for all her classmate and also the teachers and principle.

On the way to School
1st Cake her all time favorate Barney Cake

Birthday Song singing session from her fellow classmate

Candle blowing (all xiao peng you so anxious to eat the cake)

Finally cake cutting ceremony

2nd Day of celebration @ Chevron Chalet (BANYAN) - with familys and some of daddy's friend for some home cooked fried rich, bee hoon, curry and salted egg prawn (yam, yam, yam) and ofcos BBQ...
The chalet...


Some water play before party...

A sweet little swing behind our chalet...

Together with mummy... (my darling smile so sweet, i like this)

All the men trying to get the fire started...

2nd cake Strawberry shortcake cake, choose by daddy...
Posting very sweet with the cake
With daddy...
With mummy...

Happy family...

Making wish... (not sure if she know how, but anyway...)

Trying very hard to blow off the candle...
Finally cake cutting...

At the end, received a few present plus some ang bao. She have enjoyed so much from this birthday celebration, reason for this is also she don't get to really celebrate her 3rd birthday due to her hand foot mouth disease last year. So in a way this will consider a make up for her 3rd years old birthday....

Monday, May 18, 2009


Suppose to change to 5 days work week starting from June 09, but have just received news from boss that this might postpone to a later date as regional office say we have to cut AL if we really change to 5 days work week and this not only affect us but all other which is already working 5 days. And is like becos of 7 ppl, all others 20 over ppl have to cut leave also. So as a boss he have to chose to be good or bad guy, being good is we will continue to working 5.5 days so the rest can still enjoy their extra leave, being bad is he insist to change all staff to work 5 day and have leave cut. But in the end he chose to be BAD guy and we continue to work our 5.5 days work week.....

But we can't blame him as he have to yi da ju wei zhong. As advice by him we just endure for awhile more cos if one day regional find we do nothing on every saturday but only wasting resource they will grant us our 5 day work week, so must endure........

Friday, April 3, 2009

For All My Dearest ZPGY...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Dream Bag

LV Neverfull - Damire
USD700 = SGD1061.27
YEN77,000 = SGD1227.40
Only avaliable in Japan And US (sob, sob)
Longchamp - Quadrille Tote Bag
Price Unknown
Not avaliable in Singapore (sob, sob)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It her again, why issit ALWAYS her. Seeing someone quarrel she very SHIOK issit, dame pissed off by her already from now on I will only call her S.O.W (STUPID OLD WOMEN) to my ZPGY no more the normal 1 cos she not fit to be one. And she is nobody to me and i also dont want to be anything to her.

Whenever there is peace she will cook up whatever to make everybody unhappy and always it is other being INCONSIDERATE, NO INTIATIVE and not becos she PETTY, NO BRAIN, RETARTED.

Really dont know why in the world will have such worst people, even the ulgy word in the world will still be so beautiful on her.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Had an increment for my confirmation nearly 5% increase, to be exact it should be


Whahahaha, never though tat I will have increment cos at 1st it was brought up in the beginning of the year tat this year no increment which means everyone will have a pay freeze but I'm still getting my share.

So much thank you to the one tat put in all his effort for this....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Dear Friend....

You are just being over sensitive, everything is still the same as before is just tat now a days me and her is too buzy with our work (which is not wrong). If you are thinking the way you are for the secret tat u kept, den u are wrong, do you think me and her is so xiao qi? Be it since u already told us tat we will know it when the time is ripe, so be it since sooner or later we will know. So why bother yourself with this.

And for this tat u have wrote:

If ZPGY can be replace by others so easily then I can tell them now and from here that I don't need you girls at all, I won't call and find you anymore. I can handle every problems myself, alone.

Frankly, so sad to read this. Isn't it suppose to be:

A true friend is to be understanding and not unreasonable.
(moreover we are more den a true friend cos we are ZPGY)

Am not trying to say tat u are unreasonable as we understand your emo problem now, but please always remember UNDERSTANDING.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Darling Update

Recently my darling is so 爱美 tat she like to be dress up and always like to ask "mummy, tomorrow wear wat colour" she even ask wat she will be wearing for sleeping pajamas... And whenever she saw me doing make-up she will say she also wan ‘cha cha'. And when she have the chance to come across shops tat sell toys for make-up she will confirm ask the pa pa to buy w/o fail....

With her new hello kitty hair clip, earring and necklace

Oh... and also the hand held mirror on her right hand

Nail Art

Have been doing shopping from UK's ebay and have bought some Nail Art Accessories here are the two creation with those purchase so far.....

1st creation - French with small gems

2nd creation - Design with the lace sticker

I will have another creation but provided i can figer out how to play/used the acrylic mini nail art kit that I've just bought....