Saturday, January 2, 2010

ZPGY 2010 Well Wishers....

I feel and I know I must mark all this sms down for memory, cos all the sms really touched the bottom of my heart.

Yi's SMS (31/12/09 - 21:00)
To my dearest ZPYG.. 2010 is a year which mark our one and a half decade of friendship (2 decade for me and Mei). Really been thru lots of ups and down with each other. We scc each other from a childish teenage grow into an adult and withness each other entered married life, have kids. Their happy, sadness, angry and disappointed times but our friendships is still as strong and it'll just get stronger as the years pass... I believe wat hold the friendship of the 4 of us tgt so strong is 'give, take, understanding and most important forgive & forget'. We'r each other pillar, we'r like a table & chair which need 4 legs to support 1 another. And of couse, we've each other shoulder to cry on.. Let's cheers to our friendships and Happy Year 2010!!
Yun's SMS (31/12/09 - 21:32)
Continue from yi's msg: And this will continue to another decade and another and another till we become grandmother and out gals become buddies like us and they can continue out journey for us. Happy new year to my dearest buddies and cheers to our friendship.
Mei's SMS (31/12/09 - 21:51)
Wow.. U girls wrote til so touching.. I shall keep mine short n sweet.. I nana thanks god tat I'm blessed tat i hv 3 (yun, yi n lian) best buddies for all these yrs.. We share our happiness n sadness tgt.. Let's cheers to our friendship. May our friendship carry on till out childrens generation. Let's welcome 2010.
Lian's SMS (21/12/09 - 22:11)
Friends are like stars. They come and they go but the ones that stay are the ones that glow... In my life there are 3 stars that stay there glowing for me. They are called Yun, Mei and Yi. Happy new year, STARS!!! Muack...
My resolution for ZPYG in 2010: May our friendship continue to grow stronger and of cos less argument for us (hehe).