Friday, January 30, 2009

Darling Updates

It have been quite sometime after my last post for my darling bao bei.... Here are so photo from my handphone camera.....

On the way to my dad place on 1st day of CNY...

The pa pa look alike when she is doing her naughty face....

This was taken sometime ago, but not too long ago when preparing her for bed...

Don't say I never update about ying liao hor...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just Can't Stop

Oh no, with the bill piling up but still ..... I CAN"T STOP SHOPPING, be it whether is it online or street shopping....... Is there anything to stop this? This is a virus/ disease cannot be cured........


Can send me for a treatment? Well, but I enjoy SO MUCH... whahahahaha.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Woh Hoo CNY Spending....

Wat a CNY spending I have this year, after so many years think this year is the most spending.... Broke, broke and still broke but still wanna but somemore cos afterall spending money makes me happy (think not only my but all ladies out there.... Whahahahah)

Here's my spending breakdown.....

28/11/08 - Osmose --> SGD 64.20 (2 top + 1 dress)
08/12/08 - Esprit --> SGD 99.90 (2 top - 1 for sis)
21/12/08 - Mila Fashion --> SGD 86.22 ( 2 dress)
21/12/08 - Joop Fashion --> SGD 106.30 (1 top + 1 dress)
26/12/08 - Charles & Keith --> SGD 79.80 (2 shoes)
26/12/08 - Osmose --> SGD 77.40 (1 jumper + 1 pants)
26/12/08 - Mango --> SGD 33.00 (1 cardigan)
26/12/08 - Robinson --> SGD 60.00 (1 set fitting)
26/12/08 - Robinson --> SGD 25.08 (1 chainbelt)
26/12/08 - Robinson --> SGD 17.29 (1 under garment)
26/12/08 - Outfitter --> SGD 36.00 (shorts)
08/01/09 - Blink blink accessories --> SGD 45.00 (3 earring)
Others - Nail Poilsh + Online shopping --> SGD 49.79 (accessories + nail need)

OMG, I've actually spend a total SGD 779.98 for that 2 stupid days of CNY.

Like wat ppl 女人的钱最好篇... haiz 谁叫我是女人....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Reunion Dinner

It another year to plan for reunion dinner with the respective, here goes the the schedule for 2009 dinner.

07th January 2009 (Wed) - With my dearly department and boss,

08th January 2009 (Thur) - With the 3 ZPYG plus abit of shopping for yi,

20th January 2009 (Tues) - With my dad (yes, my dad this year he give instuction to have our reunion),

22nd January 2009 (Thur) - With all the ZPYG and good old secordary school days buddies,
25th January 2009 (Sun) - Finally the last two important de which
(Afternoon - With the LEE and familys)
(Evening - With my dearly Mummy and familys).

What a full dinner schdule I have. Yam yam food here i come.....
